Whether your need is directed upon series-new gear also famous manufacturer or upon gear boxes made by customised wishes / drawings, besides, is unimportant. We always try hard to offer you with highly qualified gear designers on our side the best possible solution for your drive case.
We will gladly support you in the field:
In the area of delivery and supplies, we offer you:
Because of sharp controls in the field of manufacturing and assembly, we can offer best quality of our supplies and services, at any time.
We work to ISO 9001.
Our gearboxes are used in many industrial sectors:
ASUG is every experienced in production and repair of many gear box designs:
Overview of gear manufacturers whose gears we repair:
ABUS ®, ASUG ®, Bauer ®, CAVEX ®, CURRAX ®, Demag ®, Dempewolf ®, Eickhoff ®, Flender ®, FZG ®, Hansen ®, Hellwig & Offermann ®, HIMMEL ®, Hueber Baacke ®, Moventas ®, Ostermann ®, Passavant ®, Pekrun ®, REDUREX ®, Renk ®, Rexroth ®, SEW Eurodrive ®, SIG ®, Siemens ®, Voith ®, ZF ®
We offer gear box constructions for many fields of application: